TestimonialsMira byggeprodukter A/S

Mira byggeprodukter A/S

The collaboration with Christensen Kjærulff has been seamless from day one. And in these ever-changing times, our auditor always ensures that we are ahead of the curve and prepared for whatever may come, such as new regulations and requirements.

Mira byggeprodukter A/S - Logo
Klaus Frederiksen
Account Manager

Mira Building Products A/S is a privately owned manufacturing company that has developed products for tile installation and grouting, casting, and surface leveling for over 60 years. Over the years, the company has established a foundation and evolved from being a Danish company to an international enterprise with an export share of over 85%.

An important sparring partner

The collaboration between Mira Building Products A/S and Christensen Kjærulff spans many years, and at this point, Christensen Kjærulff is not only considered the company's auditor but also an important sparring partner. Klaus Frederiksen, responsible for finance and accounting at Mira Building Products, says:

"Before we had Mads Kokholm as our auditor, we simply thought of the auditor as someone we met for the annual financial statement meeting, a meeting that was over as quickly as a cup of coffee. With Mads, I have someone to brainstorm with, someone who takes an interest in our company."

Involved from the sidelines

As Mira's international development progressed, Mads also played an essential role from the sidelines.

"In addition to the basic audit and accounting assistance, Mads has been present throughout the corporate restructuring undertaken within the group. These restructuring efforts culminated in the establishment of our foundation to ensure the group's future. Furthermore, Mads handles a significant portion of communication with our subsidiaries regarding taxation and group reporting."

Transfer pricing - a weighty task

One of the tasks that has recently carried significant weight at Mira Building Products A/S is Transfer Pricing, which from 2021 has become a mandatory reporting requirement for many companies.

"Transfer Pricing has been a very heavy and complex task. This is just one example of a situation where we are completely reliant on Mads' assistance, but we always have full trust in him and his work."


Christensen Kjærulff has a wide network consisting of a large number of financial institutions, lawyers and consultants. Our skilled business partners help to ensure that we can give our customers the best qualified advice.

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Nexia International
Christensen Kjærulff is a member of Nexia, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms. Please see the “Member firm disclaimer” for further details.
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RevisorGruppen Danmark
We are a member of RevisorGruppen Danmark, which is an association of independent state authorised audit firms that must ensure high quality and professional development in the work.