Anders Ingemann Hansen

Managing Partner & State Authorized Public Accountant

Anders has many years of experience as an accountant and trusted advisor for a large number of small and medium-sized companies. His areas of expertise span broadly, from business establishment and restructuring to generational change, always seeking to present solutions that meet the client’s wishes as well as having the best possible tax outcome.

Anders is along with Elan Schapiro responsible for Christensen Kjærulff’s cooperation with Nexia International when it comes to tax advisory.


Anders can be contacted on the information below.

I am a specialist in owner-managed companies and can advise on all the aspects that have to do with finances and business operations. With our large network, we can always stay up to date and pick up special expertise from both home and abroad. This ensures that we can always offer our customers proactive and up-to-date advice - also across national borders.

Anders Ingemann Hansen
Managing Partner & State Authorized Public Accountant


Christensen Kjærulff has a wide network consisting of a large number of financial institutions, lawyers and consultants. Our skilled business partners help to ensure that we can give our customers the best qualified advice.

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Nexia International
Christensen Kjærulff is a member of Nexia, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms. Please see the “Member firm disclaimer” for further details.
RevisorGruppen Danmark logo
RevisorGruppen Danmark
We are a member of RevisorGruppen Danmark, which is an association of independent state authorised audit firms that must ensure high quality and professional development in the work.