Peter Lund

State Authorised Public Accountant

Peter has many years of experience as the leading accountant and advisor to a large number of Danish business companies, primarily small and medium-sized owner-led companies, but also several funds and international companies. He can advise on the many different conditions that prevail in the typical owner-led business, for example with establishment, choice of company form, ownership form and group establishment, tax etc. He has also experience with assistance to foreign companies that carry out major construction work in Denmark.


Peter can be contacted on the information below.

In order for us to help our clients, it is important to show appreciation to our employees, because it is good and skilled people who are the foundation of our work. When we talk about personal commitment at Christensen Kjærulff, it applies all the way from trainees to partner level and that is something I can vouch for.

Peter Lund
State Authorised Public Accountant


Christensen Kjærulff has a wide network consisting of a large number of financial institutions, lawyers and consultants. Our skilled business partners help to ensure that we can give our customers the best qualified advice.

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Nexia International
Christensen Kjærulff is a member of Nexia, a leading, global network of independent accounting and consulting firms. Please see the “Member firm disclaimer” for further details.
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RevisorGruppen Danmark
We are a member of RevisorGruppen Danmark, which is an association of independent state authorised audit firms that must ensure high quality and professional development in the work.